Impact Factor (2024): 4.24 | ISSN: 2583-3812
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    Impact Factor (2024): 4.24 | ISSN: 2583-3812
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    Study of College English Teachers’ Instructional Design Competence— Case Study of Teaching Methods


    Author: Jianmei Sun, Jiying Fan

    Keywords: instructional design competence, teaching method

    Abstract: Teaching competence is very important for a teacher, and it is a basic skill of every teacher. However, there are few researches on Chinese University Teachers' instructional design competence, especially from the perspective of teaching methods. In order to investigate the teaching design competence of College English teachers, this study adopts the method of case analysis. The winning works of "Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press Cup" National English teaching competition were selected as the cases. Data analysis was made by using tables to list related evaluations. Data analysis shows that most participants can choose the appropriate teaching methods according to the teaching objectives, but only a few participants can choose innovative teaching methods. It is necessary to design teaching method according to teaching content. Some teachers cannot design teaching methods reasonably, which shows that teachers' ability to match teaching content and teaching methods needs to be improved. Teaching methods should be able to promote the realization of teaching objectives. However, the research shows that the teaching methods selected by some participants cannot help promote the realization of teaching objectives. The research shows that the overall teaching design literacy of university teachers needs to be improved. If we want to get a more accurate survey of the status quo, we should also have a deeper understanding about the instructional competence of teachers.

    Article Info: Received: 18 Aug 2024; Received in revised form: 17 Sep 2024: Accepted: 21 Sep 2024: Available online: 28 Sep 2024

    Study of College English Teachers’ Instructional Design Competence— Case Study of Teaching Methods DOI: 10.22161/ijeel.3.5.5

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