Keywords: Aural Vocabulary Size, EFL Learners, Viewing Comprehension, Vocabulary Learning Strategies
Abstract: Given the pivotal role of vocabulary as the salient component of language, and the associations among vocabulary knowledge, vocabulary learning strategies, and aural and visual input modalities, this study, addressing the extant lacuna in the empirical literature, aimed at probing the interplay between EFL learners' aural vocabulary size, language learning strategies, and their viewing comprehension. Furthermore, the study probed whether aural vocabulary Size and vocabulary learning strategies made any significant contribution in the prediction of viewing comprehension. The participants, selected based on convenience sampling procedures, consisted of 112 Iranian EFL learners selected from two private language institutes located in Qazvin, Iran. Upon selecting the participants, two questionnaires, namely the Aural Vocabulary Size Test (AVST) and Schmittâs Vocabulary Learning Strategies Questionnaire (VLSQ), were given to the participants to complete. Finally, a short video clip, followed by 15 comprehension questions, was administered to the learners to assess their viewing comprehension. The results of statistical analysis, i.e., Pearson correlation coefficient, indicated that there was a statistically positive and significant relationship between aural vocabulary size and viewing comprehension. Similarly, there was a statistically positive and significant relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and viewing comprehension. Moreover, using the standard multiple regression statistical procedure revealed that vocabulary learning strategies and aural vocabulary size made a significant contribution to predicting viewing comprehension. However, by comparing the Beta coefficient indices, vocabulary learning strategy was considered a better predictor than vocabulary size of viewing comprehension. The findings of the present study could be applicable for the EFL teachers, EFL learners, and materials developers
Article Info: Received in revised form: 29 Oct 2023; Accepted: 15 Dec 2023; Available online: 23 Dec 2023
DOI: 10.22161/ijeel.2.6.4
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