Impact Factor (2024): 4.24 | ISSN: 2583-3812
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    Impact Factor (2024): 4.24 | ISSN: 2583-3812
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    Intelligence Network: Examine the competitive intelligence Network and its role on Organizational Performance


    Author: Zaid Saad Ismail, Swran Jawamir Jwmaa, Saif Qudama Younus, Baban Jabbar Othman, Muhammed Khazal Rashad, Idrees Sadeq Kanabi, Diyar Abdulmajeed Jamil, Rozhgar Khorsheed Mahmood

    Keywords: Network, competitive intelligence, Organizational Performance

    Abstract: Over the past two decades, the fundamentals of organizations have undergone a tremendous shift due to changes and uncertainty. To remain competitive in the face of both internal and external challenges, organizations have begun to actively monitor their surroundings in order to better understand the possibilities and threats that exist in such settings. The purpose of this research is to examine the function of competitive intelligence networks in the decision-making processes of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Kurdistan area of Iraq. Researchers, however, used five variables of competitive intelligence networks (network extensiveness, third-party strategy, homophily, issue awareness, and promotion effort) to gauge the direct influence on company performance at SMEs. In addition, the investigation was able to delve into the oblique function of competitive intelligence networks by using them as a mediator between company performance and competitive intelligence. Researchers in the Kurdistan area of Iraq utilized hierarchical multiple regression and the Sobel test to examine the impact of a competitive intelligence network on the financial success of small and medium-sized enterprises. Five elements of a competitive intelligence network were used to quantify the direct effect on SME performance (extensiveness network, third-party strategy, homophily, issue awareness, and promotion effort). In addition, the researchers utilized the competitive intelligence network as a mediator to quantify its effect on company performance. This allowed the analysis to delve into the indirect influence of the competitive intelligence network. The following competitive intelligence network aspects were used to analyze the direct and indirect impact of competitive intelligence networks on SME performance: network extensiveness, third-party strategy, homophily, problem awareness, and promotional effort.

    Intelligence Network: Examine the competitive intelligence Network and its role on Organizational Performance DOI: 10.22161/ijeel.1.5.4

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