Impact Factor (2024): 4.24 | ISSN: 2583-3812
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    Impact Factor (2024): 4.24 | ISSN: 2583-3812
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    Vol-1, Issue-5; Nov-Dec 2022


    The Influence of Motivation, Self-Confidence and Anxiety on the Speaking English Performance of Omani Learners

    Authors: Ashraf Moh’d Saleh Al. Isood, Kamariah Binti Yunus

    The Influence of Motivation, Self-Confidence and Anxiety on the Speaking English Performance of Omani Learners DOI: 10.22161/ijeel.1.5.1

    Total View: 450 Downloads: 25 Page No: 1-10 More Information...


    The role of external auditing in reducing creative cost practical in agricultural businesses

    Authors: Diyar Abdulmajeed Jamil, Karkhi Khalid Sabah, Sanarya Adnan Anwer, Ahmed jawhar mohammad, Bryar Sami Abdulrahman, Bayar Gardi, Khowanas Saeed Qader

    The role of external auditing in reducing creative cost practical in agricultural businesses DOI: 10.22161/ijeel.1.5.2

    Total View: 423 Downloads: 8 Page No: 11-26 More Information...


    Crisis Management: Examine the influence of successful Leadership Styles on Crisis Management

    Authors: Baban Jabbar Othman, Muhammed Khazal Rashad, Idrees Sadeq Kanabi, Diyar Abdulmajeed Jamil, Rozhgar Khorsheed Mahmood, Zaid Saad Ismail, Swran Jawamir Jwmaa, Saif Qudama Younus

    Crisis Management: Examine the influence of successful Leadership Styles on Crisis Management DOI: 10.22161/ijeel.1.5.3

    Total View: 431 Downloads: 12 Page No: 27-38 More Information...


    Intelligence Network: Examine the competitive intelligence Network and its role on Organizational Performance

    Authors: Zaid Saad Ismail, Swran Jawamir Jwmaa, Saif Qudama Younus, Baban Jabbar Othman, Muhammed Khazal Rashad, Idrees Sadeq Kanabi, Diyar Abdulmajeed Jamil, Rozhgar Khorsheed Mahmood

    Intelligence Network: Examine the competitive intelligence Network and its role on Organizational Performance DOI: 10.22161/ijeel.1.5.4

    Total View: 407 Downloads: 14 Page No: 39-56 More Information...


    Factors of Affecting the Development of Tourism in Uzbekistan in the Example of China and the USA

    Authors: Freshta Qaumy, Sobirov Bobur

    Factors of Affecting the Development of Tourism in Uzbekistan in the Example of China and the USA DOI: 10.22161/ijeel.1.5.5

    Total View: 417 Downloads: 8 Page No: 57-60 More Information...

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